LJN’s Weekly Rambles
Each week, we will take a walk in the woods together to explore themes around transition. What’s coming to an end, what new beginnings are possible, and how do we navigate all the uncertainty in between? I’ll be drawing on history, poets, leaders in organizational development and change management, my own experiences, and those of my friends and colleagues, to guide our conversations. I hope you’ll join me.
Resilience as a skill
Watch my preview video - Blue Hills Reservation
"Resilience isn't a single skill. It's a variety of skills and coping mechanisms. To bounce back from bumps in the road as well as failures, you should focus on emphasizing the positive." (Jean Chatsky)
Chatzky draws our attention to the multiple applications of one of my favorite words, resiliency. This year has kindly provided us with inexhaustible opportunities to develop our resiliency. Thank you 2020! We are facing relentless simultaneous challenges and being tested daily. Unfortunately, I don’t see much sign of it letting up. Many of the challenges that have surfaced this year; an increase in violence and prejudice against people of color, COVID, wildfires, and a deeply troubling political landscape, are symptoms of chronic issues that will be the hallmarks of the first half of the 21st century. So, settle in, we are going to be here for a while. Resilience needs to be one of everyone’s favorite words!
I specifically wanted to focus on resilience as a skill, a behavior, a practice, rather than the idea of resilience as a trait. We all have some level of resilience, but it’s not a static attribute. Unconsciously, resilience looks like the slow build up of tolerance, like a callus, that comes from living through life’s painful chapters. Consciously, resilience is an active response; choices we can make albeit under duress and with great effort, to manage difficult periods.
“No matter how bleak or menacing a situation may appear, it does not entirely own us. It can't take away our freedom to respond, our power to take action.” (Ryder Carroll)
Unless we recognize and pay attention to our resilient behaviors, we can’t practice them. We can, and should, intentionally develop resilience. What are three new resilient behaviors you have noticed or developed in 2020? For me, they are flexibility, creativity, and enthusiasm.
Flexibility – Despite 17 years of yoga, I remain tight as a board, on and off my mat! I like to be in control, and therefore work really hard, physically and mentally, to improve my flexibility. In relation to resilience, I see flexibility as our ability to be responsive, adaptable, to think on our feet, and get comfortable with working around obstacles. Human beings and our institutions, LOVE to do things the way we have always done them. COVID has required us to do things differently. If we can’t celebrate a loved one’s birthday in person, how are we going to do it? If we can’t sing with the church choir, how are we going to make music together? How many times have you said in the last 8 months, ‘It’s not as good as in person, but it’s better than nothing!’ That’s flexibility.
Creativity – I have welcomed the breaks in the incessant news to hear the light-hearted stories about people baking sourdough, brewing beer, quilting, and planting vegetable gardens. These pastimes are not just escapism, they are necessary creative outlets for expression and a form of coping. When we bust out the KitchenAid or garden rake, we are practicing resilience. This skill is related to the last one; in order to be flexible, we get creative.
Enthusiasm – When experiencing so many externally imposed restrictions on our normal way of doing things, we can find ourselves working really hard to find cracks for the light to shine through. When I catch even the smallest glimmer of light, I have a disproportionate amount of enthusiasm for it! My creative outlet this year has been to experiment with baking. I love to cook but until this year, I had never owned a muffin pan. The sense of achievement, bordering on delirium I felt when turning out an edible quiche crust and delicious corn muffins, far exceeded the norm. I savored the moment. Literally.
Angela Duckworth, psychologist and author of Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance wrote, “Enthusiasm is common. Endurance is rare.”
I read here that she sees enthusiasm as a pre-requisite for endurance. By behaving and responding enthusiastically, we build endurance. By building endurance, we become more resilient.
I hope you will take a little time to reflect on newly acquired resilient skills. I’d love to hear from you with what you’ve noticed and learned. I’ll end how I started, with Chatsky’s quote, “To bounce back from bumps in the road… you should focus on emphasizing the positive.”
So, what are you enthusiastic about?