Coaching is simply an opportunity to spend a period of time exploring something that's going on in your life or work with someone who has no vested interest other than to get you interested in that something, and to invite possibilities.
Lorna Jane specializes in coaching individuals, teams, and organizations who are navigating a transition: a job search, a career pivot, on-boarding a new leader, or a shift in organizational direction. Whether the transition is happening to you, or you are making it happen, uncertain times are messy, even paralyzing. Instead of rushing, or merely tolerating this time, Lorna Jane works with the client to use that messy energy to explore what’s coming to an end, raise awareness about what’s unfolding, and to create potential new pathways.
“In a relatively short period of time, Lorna Jane helped me to focus my thoughts, define priorities, and take action. Her patience, humor, encouragement, and support enabled me to get 'unstuck' and gain momentum in realizing my career goals.”
Lorna Jane is certified through the Gestalt International Study Center in Wellfleet, MA. and is accredited by the International Coaching Federation